Wednesday, April 30, 2008

PUCS Draft 2 Release today

The second draft of the PUCS system was released today in PDF form. It can be downloaded from the home page, The PDF is indexed, searchable, bookmarked and hyper linked to the live site.

It is still not perfect. I have not decided if I like the revised melee system or not. I preferred the previous version as it was simpler. In any event, there it is. The website is always current as it updates every time the designers make a change. Before too long they will need to issue yet another DRAFT. I'm hopeful that some real work on other genres will begin soon. Things like sci-fi, modern etc.

I wonder about endless BETAs like Google is famous for. Will PUCS ever leave the DRAFT mode?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This has been a slow month

While this month has been slow.  Play testing has been a lot of fun.  The new magic rules are very interesting tactically.  Balance wise, no one is quite certain where it should go.  It could easily become a sort of Harry Potter style melee where everyone uses magic, because it is so much more powerful then melee weapons alone.  However none of the play testers nor designers really want that to happen.

One obvious difference is that melee which was already more hazardous then D20 variants, really requires tactical thinking.  If you just stand toe to toe, and your opponent takes advantage of movement rules your not going to do well.  In short there is a lot more moving around in melee then anyone really expected.

Recently in play testing a low power party encountered a giant crocodile.   The monster ambushed the party at a broken down bridge, where the party had little freedom of movement.  The crocodile attacked, nearly killed a horse and was trying to drag it away.  The party went after the crocodile, but the crocodile retreated, then ambushed again and nearly killed a party member.  The party hacked away at the beast but to little effect.  Finally the character who was ambushed and being crushed by the crocodile, successfully put the beast  to sleep with a spell.  However the spell was an area of effect spell.  They were all of them clustered together, and half the rest of the party went down too.   It was tremendous fun!  Read some detail about it here.

Otherwise, rules review is proceeding more slowly then anyone would like.  Hopefully DRAFT2 by the end of the month.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Combat Rules updates

In the process of reviewing the rules some reorganization has also been done. No rules have changed, but they have been described consistently now. Check it out here: PUCS Rules for Combat.

In any event it looks like the Draft will be finalized later this month!

Friday, April 4, 2008

PUCS - Updated Character Sheets

The PUCS character sheets have been updated. In keeping with the simplicity mantra, the sheets remain a single 8.5x11" sheet, with easily read fonts and nothing, repeat nothing complicated. The sheet comes in two flavors, MS Excel or Adobe's PDF. There are links to down the character sheet on the PUCS website.

Or just click these links:
PUCS Character Sheet in Excel Format (Excel 2003 format)
PUCS Character Sheet in PDF Format

If anyone needs other formats let me know!