Monday, July 9, 2007

Defining Attributes

Define Attributes for D100

Attributes: Defines the basic physical/mental capabilities of a character.

Background for Attributes

The DnD3.5/D20 Attributes are well done and nicely describe the physical and mental abilities of the character. However I have played many other RPG games and I find that I prefer certain other methodologies. Specifically the 2nd edition of TSRs Top Secret, named Top Secret S.I. In this system you have a few core attributes and the remaining attributes are calculated from them.

Core Attributes


Strength determines how much the character can carry, lift and movement. In Melee it may also effect how much damage a blow can do.


Reflex determines the character's reaction time to events. In other words how quickly the character responds to events. This attribute will determine how fast the character can move, and aid in Initiative.


Intelligence determines how smart the character is. What is the characters capacity for understanding new things and solving complex problems, not how educated.


Willpower determines the character's ability to focus on a task despite fear, pain or other distraction. It is an essential attribute for spell casters.


Constitution determines how much abuse your body can endure before you pass out and/or die.

Derived Attributes


Dexterity determines how effectively the character can perform physical actions: climb, fire a missile weapon, dodge a blow etc. Actions or skills that require good reflexes and also intelligence to execute effectively. It is the average of two attributes: Reflex and Intelligence. (Reflex+Intelligence)/2


Charisma determines how likable by others your character can be. Do not limit your thinking to just looks, but the total package of looks and personality. This attribute will effect the characters ability to influence people without threat of violence. It is the average of two attributes Intelligence and Willpower. (Intelligence + Willpower)/2


Movement determines just how fast the character can move in a walk, run or sprint. It is the combination of two attributes Strength and Reflex. (Strength+Reflex)

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